Find and read your meter
Where your water meter might be located and how to read it.
We usually read your meter every six months, but if we send you an estimated bill you can send us an actual meter reading to ensure your bill is accurate.
You can also provide meter readings at any time to keep an eye on how much water you're using.
Find your meter
Most meters are fitted outside your home, however some meters are fitted inside.
Read your meter
Most meters are easy to read. However, if your meter is difficult to access, is in the road, or the cover is too heavy to lift, contact our team and we'll be happy to help.
Understand and submit your reading
We measure how much water you use in cubic metres (m3). A cubic metre is 1000 litres of water. The black digits on your meter are cubic metres, the red digits are litres.
We calculate your bill based on how many cubic metres you've used since your previous meter reading.
Once you have taken your reading, you can enter your readin online to keep your account up-to-date.