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Watersure Application

How do i qualify?

If the answer is ‘yes’ to both of the following questions, you’re eligible to join the scheme.

1. Are you on a water meter AND claiming for one of the qualifying benefits?

2. Is someone at home receiving Child Benefit because they have three or more children under the age of 19, or does someone in the house have a medical condition that means they use a lot more water than usual?

Anything else?

When you complete your application, please make sure you’ve attach the evidence we need in order to accept it. This will all be explained in the application form.

Once we’ve got your application, we’ll let you know if you’re on the scheme within 10–12 days and your new, lower charges will be included in your next bill.

If your application isn’t successful, we’ll be in touch to let you know why and chat through any other possible options.

Remember, you won’t qualify for WaterSure if you water your garden with anything not handheld (like a sprinkler or a domestic irrigation system), or if you have an auto-fillswimming pool or a pond with a capacity of over 10,000 litres.

If you have any other questions about WaterSure and whether you qualify, take a look at

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

If this person is not already named on the account, if they qualify for WaterSure their name will be added to all future bills.

Important information before attaching your documents

  • Make sure that any documents you send to us show the same address as your WaterSure application or we won’t be able to accept it
  • Only send us PIP/DLA evidence if you’re NOT in receipt of any of the above benefits  
  • The max file size we can accept is 5mb
  • Ensure you attach all evidence required before submitting your form to prevent any delays in your application being processed
  • Evidence provided must be dated within the last three months

Attach documents *

Please upload a file

Attach documents *

Please upload a file

Attach documents *

Please upload a file

We need this for data protection purposes to check you're/they’re happy for us to use your/their information to enroll you/them on the scheme.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

Confirmation of the medical condition that requires the use of more water must be supported by one of the following:

• A recent letter from your GP or Consultant, confirming the name of the patient, medical condition and the reason for the increase in water usage

• A copy of the most recent repeat prescription if the medical condition is one of the known eligible conditions listed on our website

• An official Hospital/Surgery/Clinic stamp from your Consultant/Doctor/Nurse or Health Visitor and signed and dated by them to confirm the medical condition and the reason for increased water usage

Attach documents

Please upload a file

Attach documents

Please upload a file

Attach documents *

Please upload a file

Please note:

  • The max file size we can accept is 5mb
  • Please ensure you attached all evidence required before submitting your form to prevent any delays in your application being processed.
  • Evidence provided must be dated within the last three months

We need this for data protection purposes to check you're/they’re happy for us to use your/their information to enroll you/them on the scheme.

Following your application for WaterSure, If you have a child under two years old we would like to offer you another free service, our Priority Services Register.

To enrol on the Priority Services Register we need your consent that you are happy for us to hold and use your data to provide you with additional support. This means, if there is a supply issue, we can identify you and give you extra support.

Registered customers will receive prior notification of planned work, priority notification in case of any emergency and an alternative water supply where needed.

We will only request health data where we believe we can help to manage your account or provide additional support during an incident,should one occur.
This data will be processed under the lawful basis of Public Interest for personal data, and Substantial PublicInterest (SPI) for health data. We will keep any data you provide safe and secure.This data will be processed under the lawful basis to perform public functions in the Public Interest for personal data. The data youprovide will be reviewed at least every 2 years. For more information you can review our customer promise on our website.
By registering on our Priority Service Register you are confirming that you have a need for support either during an incident or to helpyou manage your account. If your data or circumstances change, please contact us any time to provide an update.By registering with us,you will also be automatically added to the Priority Service Register of your energy network operator and supplier. The data we sharewill only be used to provide you with their Priority Services.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

You must provide a copy of the latest notice of entitlement to child benefit for each child you have named above. Alternatively, you can supply a copy of the most recent bank statement listing your current entitlement and payments. This also needs to show the name and address of the person claiming child benefit.

Following your application for WaterSure, we would like to offer you another free service, our Priority Services Register. To enrol on the Priority Services Register we need your consent that you are happy for us to hold and use your data to provide you with additional support. This means, if there is a supply issue, we can identify you and give you extra support. Registered customers will receive prior notification of planned work, priority notification in case of any emergency and an alternative water supply where needed.

Attach documents

Please upload a file

Attach documents

Please upload a file

Attach documents *

Please upload a file

Please note:

  • The max file size we can accept is 5mb
  • Please ensure you attached all evidence required before submitting your form to prevent any delays in your application being processed.
  • Evidence provided must be dated within the last three months

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

If you have a payment plan on your account, we’ll let you know in writing how this changes once you’re on WaterSure. The way you pay (whether that’s direct debit or fortnightly watercard) will stay the same. If you don’t have a payment plan, or want to change the method of payment, please specify your preferred payment plan option below. 

Paying for your water charges directly from your benefits

If you’re in receipt of any of the following benefits, and have arrears of more than £50 on your account, you may be eligible to have your water charges paid directly from your benefits.

• Income support

• Job seekers allowance

• Employment Support Allowance

• Pension Credit 

• Universal Credit - the amount of arrears needed to qualify may differ, dependant on your circumstances.

We just need your full name and National Insurance Number. If you’re successful, you’ll pay your current charges and a fixed amount towards your arrears. If you don’t choose a payment option, we’ll set up a monthly watercard payment plan for you. 

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.


The information I’ve given is correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that if I provide any information which is false, you may decline my application. I will tell you if my circumstances change in any way that would affect my WaterSure eligibility e.g. change in benefits.

I give you my permission to contact third parties to confirm the information I’ve given is correct. If I pay my sewerage charges to a different company, I give you permission to pass on the details I’ve provided so you can also consider my sewerage charges under the WaterSure scheme. I give you permission to update my record to show me as a priority water customer which will give me assistance in the event of an interruption to my water supply.

I confirm the following:

• A member of my household meets the conditions for help under the WaterSure scheme.

• I only use a hosepipe or watering can to water my garden.

• My household does not have an auto-filling swimming pool or pond which holds over 10,000 litres of water.

• I do not receive any help towards the cost of water from the health authority.

• I am not aware of any leaks at the property.

• The property is not used for any commercial purposes.

I give my permission for the person in receipt of benefits to be added to the account, if not already named, in order to benefit from the WaterSure scheme.

Before you submit

Please make sure you have:

  • Confirmed you are billed on a water meter
  • Completed all the relevant sections about the person applying for WaterSure
  • Attached of your most recent benefits notice/bank statement showing the eligible benefit and your current address
  • Attached proof of the medical condition, if applying under the medical condition criteria
  • Included FULL names and dates of births of all the children for whom the child benefit is being claimed, if applying under the large family criteria
  • Attached a copy of the most recent child benefit award/bank statement showing the child benefit payment and your current address, if applying under the large family criteria