
About the scheme

When dealing with plumbers, trust is everything. That’s why we runand administer the WaterMark approved plumbers scheme, insupport of the government’s ongoing campaign against ‘cowboybuilders’. Approved plumbers (and contractors) can be authorisedby either the local water supplier, the Water Industry Scheme(WIAPS) or by an organisation recognised by the government(IOP/APHC/SNIPEF).

To ensure the highest standards, all WaterMark members have todemonstrate they have been suitably trained and that they have passed awater regulation assessment on their knowledge and application of the WaterSupply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999. They must also have public liabilityinsurance. This ensures our customers know that anyone we recommend willget the job done quickly and professionally.

What’s the benefit of an approved plumber?

Added peace of mind. Expert knowledge. The latest training.  An approved plumber can also start work without notification or prior consent on certain types of work, provided they issue the customer (and for some types of work,the water supplier) with a certificate of compliance once the job’s complete.This can save up to ten days of waiting for the water supplier’s consent, whichcould prove essential to your business. It also reduces the paperwork of notification.