How we are regulated
All water companies in England and Wales operate under a licence granted by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and are regulated by the independent regulator, Ofwat. Ofwat was created to protect the interests of customers of the water industry. The principal way it does this is to set limits on our charges, through a ‘price review’. Ofwat conducts price reviews every five years.
As well as being regulated by Ofwat, our performance is also monitored by:
The CCW is a statutory body created to represent the interests of customers of the water industry. CCW staff can give you free, independent advice on issues that affect you as a water customer and they will investigate any complaints that you can’t resolve directly with us through our complaints procedures.
We also work with the Welsh Government and the UK Government (including the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) to make sure we meet the highest customer service and environmental standards, while offering our customers the lowest prices.